
Marathon Jouney / Art Blog

Art/ Running/ Marathon/ Documenting/ Drawing/ Painting




Sticking to my original week plan, I have spent my weekend working on a painting I am working on commission on. The following photographs show my progress. The progress has been slow as I have been trying to fit this in between college work and now my university project. But I am determined to find the time to complete it as soon as I can.


Today  I started to really plan my first idea for my project. One way I thought I could record the marathon would be to actually walk and document the route. I chose the London marathon due to convenience and due to the fact that the London marathon is the event I aim to complete, as opposed to the Brighton marathon or others.

On my run around Astwell track I took a series of photographs on my way around. Occasionally I got too in to my running and simply forgot to photograph my route. However, in London I wont be running, I will be documenting and hopefully wont forget ! The following photographs are photos I took on my way around. On tuesday, I will take a train to London and begin to record the marathon route.

Weekly Running/ Project Plan


  • 40 minute run towards Astwell and back (Astwell track is the route I will run for my Helmdon Hurler event in August)
  • Social time with friends in the morning
  • Work 12.30-9.30


  • Sketchbook work- look at the history of the Marathon and record
  • Work 12.30-9.30


  • Sketchbook work- create a timeline of the Marathons previous events
  • Work 12.30-9.30


  • Run the Astwell track (5 miles off road track)- Always aim for under 45 minutes
  • Social time with friends in the morning
  • Work 1.30-10.30


  • Create some samples of ways to show the event in my sketchbook
  • Work 1.30-10.30


  • Run Astwell track- record the journey digitally and upload onto computer
  • Finish commission piece- currently working on a landscape canvas piece with the deadline of September 5th
  • Continue creating samples for sketchbook


  • Finish commission piece
  • Continue creating samples for sketchbook



Summer Project


Chose an object, place or event and record it in as many ways as possible.


I have chosen to base my summer project on the annual Marathon event. A Marathon consists of running over 26 miles and I have no doubt that it will take a lot of determination and persistence to achieve it. After running regularly for over three months, running a marathon has become my ultimate goal but I plan to take part in multiple fund raising runs along the way. Currently, I am signed up for a half marathon which I will complete in Silverstone in 2017, and the Helmdon Hurler (5 miles) which I will take part in during August.

I started running not only for fitness but to support the well deserved charity mind. Mind is an admirable organisation which has the goal of supporting those who are suffering from metal health problems. They try to raise awareness for those who are suffering and state ‘we wont give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect’.


To begin my project, I plan to document my runs on this blog and record any progress I make on this website and in my sketchbook. My aim is to run at least three times a week. Alongside the enjoyment of running, I have hope that I will gain inspiration for my artwork that will reflect the journey I have begun.


Featured post



Mind provides advice and support for anyone suffering from a mental health problem. Their main three aims are to create awareness of the problems, to promote understanding and to offer greater services and help for the individuals in need.


It has been recorded that 1 in 4 people will experience mental health issues at a point in our lives. Mental health is not always noticeable and symptoms are often wrongly dismissed. In response to this, Mind has offered the following;

  • An infoline which offers callers confidential help for the price of a local call
  • A legal advice service which provides information on mental health related law to the public, service users, family members/ carers, mental health professionals and mental health advocates
  • An award winning website and publications which are certified by the information standard
  • Local mind services- involving getting involved in the planning of local mental services and helping to change the attitudes towards mental health
  • Social media pages full of advice and ways to get involved
  • Professional training and consultancy services



Across 2014/15, mind had answered over 65,000 calls from individuals seeking help with their mental issues. 460,000 leaflets were handed out to the public to create awareness of the charity and how it can help. 375,000 people took advantage of the mind local services in England and Wales and over 500 employers took the special mental health training programme.

Mind has spent 70 years committing to those suffering from mental issues and has donated 79p for every £1 earned fundraising, to those who need help.


After just returning from a lovely holiday in Devon, I think it’s time to crack on with my summer project to ensure I get a good start at Bath Spa University. My plan for today was to complete a bit of research on the Marathon event. I knew already that the race involved over 26 miles of running and is one of the most amazing ways to raise money for charity, but I wanted to know more about the events origin and why people decided to do this in the first place.

In my sketchbook I have created two double pages outlining the history of the Marathon. I found out that the event originated from the battle of Marathon which took place in 490 BC.

Additionally I have made a map of the route that was taken by the Greek messenger who ran the route and I aim to create a way of showing this in a clearer and more meaningful way.

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